Share your feedback on the Canadian Code of Volunteer Involvement

The Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement, developed by Volunteer Canada in 2001 and updated in 2017, serves as a guide for involving volunteers at all levels of an organization. Canadians are invited to share their feedback and suggestions for the Code. Volunteer Canada is in the process of updating the Code to better understand how stakeholders leverage the guide and to gather feedback on how the Code may be revised to better reflect the needs and realities of the shifting volunteer landscape in communities across Canada.

Participate in the survey to share your perceptions and experiences with the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement and provide suggestions for the next iteration. The survey is expected to take about 5-15 minutes to complete. The survey responses will remain anonymous unless individuals choose to share their contact information. At the end of the survey, participants will be invited to share their contact information should they be interested in participating in further consultations. Click here to participate in the survey.

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