Dialogue Health published the Health and Well-Being Report: A Canadian Benchmark. Dialogue analyzed the well-being scores of over 12,000 Canadians from January 2024 to June 2024. The well-being score used for this research is based on the World Health Organization’s
WHO-5 Well-Being Index.
The study found that the overall well-being score for employees is still low (49.4). Furthermore, 20 to 29-year-olds have the lowest well-being score when compared to all age groups (46.4). The research also found that financial stress may be negatively impacting other areas of well-being as well. According to Canadian employers, workforce well-being continues to be a priority, with three-quarters (77%) of employers indicating that their health benefits plan is extremely or very important to their organization overall.
The report delves into strategies employers can deploy to address these issues and improve the mental health and well-being of their workforce. For additional findings and further information about the research, access the report.