The Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience published the Addressing the Digital Skills Gap in Canadian Nonprofits: Designing Options for Solutions Report

The Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience published the Addressing the Digital Skills Gap in Canadian Nonprofits: Designing Options for Solutions Report. A digitally skilled nonprofit workforce is increasingly essential for adapting to the evolving needs of Canadian communities. With limited research that assesses the current skills and future demands for the nonprofit workforce in Canada, and a widening digital skillset gap, the Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience sought to understand and unlock, the nonprofit workforce’s facility with Digital Skills Plus (DS+). DS+ encompasses digital as well as adjacent skills often deployed with digital tools, including communication, creativity, innovation, adaptability and problem-solving skills.

With funding from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)’s Skills for Success program—and driven by a consortium of organizations with expertise in nonprofit capacity building and the digital skills economy—the 17-month project has four Strategic Phases:
1. Understanding the current supply and future demand for DS+.
2. Analyzing the gaps in supply versus demand for DS+.
3. Co-designing and rapidly testing solutions to close this gap.
4. Creating a scalable DS+ talent model.

By the end of the project timeline, the Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience hopes to achieve the following objectives:

  •  reinforce the evidence base in Canada on current and future needs for DS+ in the nonprofit sector, informing the sector’s future training and talent strategies, increasing awareness of the forecasted demand for DS+ and enhancing the sector’s ability to articulate and close the most pressing skill gaps;
  • use this research to inform and test a prototype (or prototypes) of a scalable DS+ upskilling model that provides practical, tailored and broadly applicable training for the nonprofit workforce (in other words, to help them develop foundational and advanced digital competencies, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation); and
  • mobilize findings and learnings via public reports, research briefs and recommendations to bring greater evidence-informed discussion to the nonprofit sector around its DS+ needs and paths forward.

To learn more, download the Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience’s Addressing the Digital Skills Gap in Canadian Nonprofits: Designing Options for Solutions Report.

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