Mastering grant writing: Essential tips for securing funding

Does the concept of “grant writing” cause you to wake up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat? 

Does the very mention of “mandatory documents”, “project plans” and “grant budgets” cause you to panic?  

Do you look at grants as a labyrinth of technical terms, deadlines and impossible expectations? 

Don’t worry – grant writing is actually easier than it looks! Of course, it does require you to follow a few basic principles, but once you master them, you will unlock a world of opportunities. 

Grant writing isn’t some mystical art that only a chosen few can master. With a few key strategies, you’ll be submitting winning proposals in no time. 

Know Your Audience! Imagine showing up at a party with the wrong outfit – you’d stick out like a sore thumb! Writing a grant proposal without understanding the funder’s priorities is just like that. If you apply to a funder for a grant, you should research the funder’s priorities and focus areas. Ask yourself – does the funder’s focus align with your own mission? If a funder’s focus is on sustainability and your project revolves around community health, you could highlight how your goals might overlap. Tailoring your proposal to the funder makes all the difference when applying for grants. 

Clarity is King! Grant reviewers are busy people. They review dozens of applications for any given grant. Your grant proposal should be clear, concise and jargon-free. Avoid long-winded explanations—get straight to the point. If a friend or family member looked over your grant application, would they have any questions? 

A Budget speaks Volumes! Do you know how much your projected budget is? Don’t underestimate the power of a well-organized, and realistic grant budget. This document demonstrates to funders that you’ve thought things through and know exactly where their money will go. Don’t forget to double-check your math! 

Collaboration is Key! Seek feedback from colleagues or mentors if you’re in doubt about the content of your grant request. Sometimes, fresh eyes can catch the small but important details which you might miss. Plus, two heads are better than one when it comes to developing a strategy and framing your project concept! 

Don’t Shy Away from Storytelling! A compelling narrative humanizes your grant request and makes it memorable. Are you writing a grant on behalf of a homeless shelter, a local artist, or a food bank? It’s important to paint a picture of the people or communities that your project will impact. Storytelling helps the grant reviewer to feel emotionally connected to your project. 

Always Answer the Question! If the application asks for a three-page proposal, don’t submit four pages. If the funder wants you to mention specific priorities, make sure your answer directly addresses those priorities! No matter how brilliant your idea is, failing to follow instructions can land your proposal in the “no” pile. 

Each grant application is a chance to sharpen your skills. Approach it as a learning experience, and celebrate the small wins—like positive feedback or even just hitting “submit.” Before you know it, you’ll be a grant pro. 

DoGood Funding sources and writes grant proposals, and offers training and consulting services for organizations of all sizes throughout Canada, including non-profits, for-profits and registered charities! We have raised over $21 million in funding for charities and businesses across Canada, and we look forward to working with you! For more info, visit our website at

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