Gallup published the Global Leadership Report: What Followers Want, which delves into data from surveys conducted in 52 countries. The data revealed that followers prioritize hope, trust, compassion and stability from their leaders, and these needs are consistent across countries and demographics. The study found that when leaders meet the needs of followers, it can lead to less suffering and improved well-being. According to Gallup, these findings are crucial for both current and aspiring leaders seeking to understand the expectations that influence their performance and the success of the teams they lead.
Key Findings
- 56% of desired leadership attributes focus on hope, the primary need of followers worldwide.
- 64% of followers emphasize the need to see hope from organizational leaders.
- Only 33% of followers thrive without a hopeful leader, but thriving rises by five points to 38% when the need for hope is met.
- 34% of respondents working for an employer say workplace leaders have the greatest positive impact on their lives.
For further information about the research or to download the report, click here.