Applications are now open for the RBC Foundation Community Infrastructure Fund

Applications are now open for the RBC Foundation Community Infrastructure Fund, which provides support for retrofits, repairs or upgrades to existing public community buildings, as well as construction of new community spaces.  The fund focuses on two key objectives: Environmental sustainabilityFunding capital improvements that aim to reduce the carbon footprint or increase energy efficiency of […]

The Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund invites applications for the Food Sovereignty Bundles

The Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund prioritizes reciprocal relationships with Indigenous Peoples, and welcomes applications written ‘by community for community’. The Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund is an Indigenous-led public foundation that funds “non-qualified donees” (not-for-profits, grassroots organizations) and “qualified donees” (charities and Indigenous community governments) undertaking charitable activity for charitable purposes. Therefore, applications from for-profit or social […]

Ottawa Victim Services launches an online Hate Crime Reporting Tool

Ottawa Victim Services launched an online Hate Crime Reporting Tool, a secure and confidential way for victims to report hate crimes, enabling the organization to provide the necessary support and resources to those affected. Ottawa Victim Services noted that no police report is necessary and you may be eligible for financial assistance, such as counselling […]

Gallup published the Global Leadership Report: What Followers Want

Gallup published the Global Leadership Report: What Followers Want, which delves into data from surveys conducted in 52 countries. The data revealed that followers prioritize hope, trust, compassion and stability from their leaders, and these needs are consistent across countries and demographics. The study found that when leaders meet the needs of followers, it can […]

Call for nominations for Canada’s Volunteer Awards 2025

Canada’s Volunteer Awards (CVA) Program, presented by the Government of Canada, recognizes volunteers, not-for-profit organizations, charities, social enterprises and businesses for their contributions across the country. The Awards Program highlights the positive impacts of volunteering and showcases how volunteerism strengthens communities. Canada’s Volunteer Awards recognizes recipients at a national ceremony. Recipients also take part in a […]

The Time to Act is Now

The results of the 2024 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) are in, and the findings are, in a word, heartbreaking. This assessment serves as the nation’s report card, indicating how our students are performing in key subject areas, including reading and math. I have raised three children, and report card day has always been […]

Riding the rail revival: how holidays by train are drawing the discerning traveller

Europe’s train network is undergoing something of a renaissance – and one tour company is climbing on board The Swedes have a word for it: tågskryt. It means literally ‘train bragging’, and it’s a growing trend among travellers who boast about their long-distance rail journeys. It’s not surprising: in these climate-conscious days, why wouldn’t you […]

Trethowans team takes on English Channel relay swim to raise funds for Aspire

A team from Trethowans will be taking on an English Channel relay swim in August 2025 to raise funds for Aspire, a national charity supporting people with spinal cord injury. The team of six includes Andrew Mercer, Emma Wilders-Pratt, Laura Trapnell, Jennifer Bowes, Amy Croxford and Taylor Anderson. Andrew is no stranger to the Channel. […]