A new approach to funding Indigenous-led organizations: An interview with Janine Manning

When we were putting together our recent podcast episode, Reconciliation and the Nonprofit Sector: Where Are We Now?, we were keen to explore how Canada’s philanthropic sector could do a better job of funding Indigenous-led organizations and communities. As part of the interviews for that episode, we were incredibly pleased to speak with Janine Manning, […]

2024 Canadian Report Gifts in Wills reveals most frequently bequeathed items among Canadians

LegalWills published the 2024 Canadian Report Gifts in Wills, which reveals the most frequently bequeathed items among Canadians. As part of the study, 8172 Wills were analyzed to determine the trends in giving. Of the 8172 Wills, $380.8 million (CAD) was bequested, and the mean residual gift value was $44,982. In this sample, 2588 of […]

British Columbia History Digitization Program invites grant applications for the preservation of historical British Columbia materials

The University of British Columbia‘s British Columbia History Digitization Program invites applications from private or public institutions and agencies that have the preservation of historical British Columbia materials as part of their mandate. Libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, post-secondary institutions, and eligible organizations are welcome to apply for the funding. The funds from the Irving […]

Call for nominations for the 2025 Lung Ambition Awards, a Canadian-based lung cancer research awards program

Lung Cancer Canada, The Lung Ambition Alliance, and AstraZeneca Canada announced a call for nominations for the 2025 Lung Ambition Awards. The Canadian-based lung cancer research awards program is designed to help improve the lives of people living with lung cancer. The grant program is open to all Canadian clinicians and researchers (across the multi-disciplinary spectrum) […]

What is your changemaker personality? Take the Canadian Women’s Foundation quiz

The Canadian Women’s Foundation invites you to take the changemaker personality quiz. By participating in the quiz, you will find out your changemaker personality type, and gain access to tools, inspiration, and opportunities to make an impact on gender equality where you live and across the country. Gender equality in Canada is paramount, and the […]

AI mediation tool could help people find common ground – Positive News

Fancy letting a machine mediate your argument? It could be the latest application for AI as researchers reveal its uncanny knack for finding common ground in culture war clashes. Scientists at Google’s DeepMind project designed what they call the Habermas Machine, a large language AI inspired by German philosopher Jürgen Habermas’ theory of communicative action […]

The State of Social Giving Report: New innovations for new generations

GoFundMe and Classy from GoFundMe released the State of Social Giving Report, which delves into new trends shaping the giving landscape. More than 1000 people were surveyed to determine how different generations use social media to connect with the causes they care about. The study focused on four key generations: Gen Z, Millennials (also known […]