A new charity is joining forces with Britain’s food banks, serving up books to browse, borrow or keep They can turn a dull commute into a fight of fantasy, help foster friendship or deepen the bond between parent and child. Books pack an undeniably mighty transformative punch, one that is bringing a positive plot twist […]
Total net greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union dropped by 8% last year, new figures reveal, meaning that greenhouse gas pollution in the 27-country bloc is now 37% below 1990 levels. It was despite GDP growing by 68% over the same period. Emissions linked to buildings, agriculture, domestic transport, small industry and waste all dropped […]
The Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector (ACCS) released the committee’s fourth report, which covers the recommendations from four dedicated working groups on issues the ACCS determined were priorities for the charitable sector. 1. Definition of charity and charitable purposes working group (DCCPWG): The group examined the current regulatory approach to charitable purposes and activities to […]
Food Banks Canada released the HungerCount 2024: Buckling Under the Strain Report, which documents food bank use in Canada. The study is a cross-sectional census survey of the majority of food bank agencies, organizations, and programs, within and outside of the Food Banks Canada network. According to the research, monthly food bank use reached a […]
Unemployment in Canada: A Report From the Survey on Employment and Skills, draws on data from the Survey on Employment and Skills undertaken by the Environics Institute with the Diversity Institute and Future Skills Centre, which was conducted in six waves between 2020 and 2023. Across the six phases, a total of 34,740 Canadians were […]
Mental Health Research Canada, in partnership with Bell Let’s Talk, released A Generation at Risk: The State of Youth Mental Health in Canada Report. The study was made possible through collaboration with Kids Help Phone, Jack.org, Aire Ouverte, the National Association of Friendship Centres, Strongest Families Institute, Youth in Mind Foundation, and Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario. The […]
The Government of Ontario announced applications are now open for the Indigenous Economic Development Fund, which provides grants and financing to Indigenous entrepreneurs, businesses, communities and organizations. The fund helps promote economic development and improve employment opportunities for Indigenous people. Economic Diversification Grant Stream The grant stream supports strategic economic planning to assist Indigenous communities […]
Health Sciences University (HSU) proudly celebrated its official launch on 31st October, marking a significant milestone in its journey. This momentous occasion was marked by the installation of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal as the university’s inaugural Chancellor. Professor Lesley Haig, Vice-Chancellor of Health Sciences University, commented: “It is a tremendous honour to celebrate […]
Carpentry, comradeship and community connection run through the shortlist for this year’s UK Men’s Sheds award When is a shed more than just a building? When it’s a potentially lifesaving refuge for men who are struggling. That’s the concept around which the Men’s Sheds movement – led in the UK by the UK Men’s Sheds […]
On Friday 25 October at Bournemouth Sea Cadets & Royal Marines Cadets we held our Unit AGM and Awards Evening to celebrate a fantastic and successful year, 2023-2024. We were honored to have our Unit Patron the The Mayor of Bournemouth Councillor George Farquhar, join us, along with parents and supporters. Roberto Rocca-Chairman and Gary Shepheard-Commanding […]