9 ways to instantly boost your confidence

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Most of my new career clarity coaching clients mention lack of confidence as one of the reasons why they feel stuck in a career that’s not fulfilling. So, if low self-confidence is keeping you stuck, you are definitely not alone! Here are nine of my favourite ways to boost your confidence in moments.

1st Confidence booster: Stand as Wonder Woman / Super Hero

Our thoughts and feelings are intricately connected with our body posture. If you are sitting hunched over, for example, you most likely feel less confident. You are probably also thinking less confident thoughts.

For a quick confidence boost, stand up tall, feet shoulder-width apart, open up your chest, feel your shoulder blades touch, and put your hands on your hips. Stand in this posture for two minutes. Then, notice how you are feeling and what you are thinking.

Editor’s Note: The Wonder Woman and Super Hero poses can also be done from a seated position.

I call this confidence booster ‘Wonder Woman’ and have made it a daily habit. I like to stand in ‘Wonder Woman’ a few times every day while brushing my teeth (with one hand on my hip, the other hand holding my toothbrush).

One of my clients, let’s call her Annette, has also adopted this habit. Annette and her four-year-old daughter stand together as ‘Wonder Women’ while brushing their teeth every morning. What a wonderful way to instill confidence in your child while you are having fun playing ‘Wonder Woman’ or ‘Super Hero’! Rosie (not her real name), another client stands in ‘Wonder Woman’ every morning while she waits for the kettle to boil. It has become her morning meditation, and Rosie wouldn’t want to skip a day.

2nd Confidence booster: Do something that makes you feel accomplished

Doing something that comes naturally to you, that you enjoy doing, and that gives you that immediate feeling of accomplishment is another tried and true way to boost your confidence.

For me, cooking is one of those activities. I always feel great while I am preparing a meal, especially when trying something new. As my husband and I share a yummy meal I’ve created, I also savour my sense of achievement.

My husband loves doing the dishes. It’s his meditation. The sparkling clean kitchen, after he has done his magic, gives him a sense of accomplishment.

Think about the things you do well. What kind of activities bring you joy and give you a quick sense of accomplishment? Do them more often!

3rd Confidence booster: Do something you avoid

Whatever you are avoiding undermines your confidence. You may feel ashamed, frustrated, or uneasy. You may just have that niggling feeling that something is not quite right.

To instantly boost your confidence, do one of the things you have been putting off. Whether you pay a bill, get some paperwork done, or clean your bathroom.

Do whatever it is that’s been hanging over your head. It will give you a boost of confidence in a flash. Enjoy your feeling of confidence!

4th Confidence booster: Do something that scares you

Britta (not her real name), one of my career clarity clients, made a commitment on her 40th birthday to do one thing every day that scares her. At that point, Britta had just closed her business and didn’t know what was next for her. She had lost her confidence and was feeling like a failure.

Britta’s commitment helped her boost her confidence. She also had lots of fun trying new things. Many of the things she tried, she would have never fathomed herself capable of doing at age 39.

Eventually, Britta found the courage, creativity and confidence to start a new venture she truly feels passionate about. She is now fully engaged in her new business and in life.

She has kept her commitment to doing one thing that scares her every day well beyond her 41st birthday. Britta says: “It’s such a great way to boost my confidence. It always pays off in my business and in my personal life. It feels like my comfort zone is constantly growing and expanding.”

Just like Britta, you too, can grow your confidence and your comfort zone by doing something that scares you. Enjoy!

5th Confidence booster: Dress for confidence

You probably have a few outfits that make you feel confident and at ease. If not, remember a time when you felt great in the clothes you were wearing.

What about these clothes makes you feel so good? Is it the feeling of the fabric on your skin, the colour(s) of the garment, or the shape of the neckline?

Anne (not her real name) one of my clients, calls her confidence outfit her ‘purple power suit’. She feels most authentic, creative and confident when she’s wearing that suit.

Anne has developed a very powerful habit. She always takes a moment to connect with the feeling of wearing her power suit on days when she is not actually wearing that outfit. Anne says that even a moment of imagining herself in her power suit has her show up more confident and authentic in meetings.

Wear your confidence outfit more often! It really does rub off on how you feel. When you are not wearing your power suit, imagine yourself in your power suit, just like Anne. Once you’ve identified what makes your power-suit so powerful, you may even consider shopping for confidence. Enjoy!

6th Confidence booster: Embrace yourself as you are

When you are feeling less confident, you may punish yourself further with negative self-talk. I encourage you to do the opposite instead. Embrace yourself exactly as you are. Carl Rogers puts it so well: “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

Hold yourself with the same compassion you would feel for someone you love, who is feeling scared, lost or having a rough day. Hold yourself as if you were a dear friend, your beloved spouse, dear child, or cherished pet. Enjoy feeling your inner confidence return.

I have incorporated a self-hug into my routine of morning stretches. It’s my way to ensure that I always embrace myself no matter how I am feeling each morning. It always makes me feel better and more confident.

7th Confidence booster: Act as if you were confident

Acting confident even when you don’t feel confident, actually helps you reclaim your inner confidence, one small action step at a time. “Fake it until you become it”, says Amy Cuddy confidently.

Complete the sentence: “If I felt confident today, I would…” at least six times in writing. Pick one of your ideas and act on it today.

I encourage you to do one of the other confidence boosters, such a ‘Wonder Woman’, before you take action. It will set you up for success. Enjoy!

8th Confidence booster: Choose confident passwords

Most of us need to enter a password or two every single day as we log onto our trusted electronic devices.

Why not choose a password that reconnects you with your confidence, your innate strengths and qualities?

What word or phrase would remind you of your inner confidence every day? Make it your password!

Your password will then become a daily confidence booster for you. Enjoy!

9th Confidence booster: Celebrate what you’ve done

Most people spend so much time thinking about the things they didn’t get done. We easily forget to celebrate the things we did accomplish each day, each week. Take a moment to celebrate your accomplishments (big and small).

One of my coaching clients, let’s call her Marion, came to a coaching call feeling frazzled and unprepared for a big meeting she had scheduled for the next day. We began the coaching session with a centring Mini-Retreat.

Once Marion felt a little more relaxed and calm, I asked her “What’s most important right now?” She responded: “I need to acknowledge all the things I did accomplish today. I’ve been dwelling on all the things I didn’t get done, including the meeting preparation for tomorrow.”

Marion began to recall and share the events of her day. Together, we celebrated each of her accomplishments. We acknowledged her strengths, courage and presence that were called upon.

Interestingly, her day included several spontaneous meetings that required her to give constructive feedback, handle conflict and step into leadership. Marion felt that she needed all these qualities for the meeting she was anticipating. Celebrating her wins helped her reconnect with the confidence that she would be able to navigate tomorrow’s meeting well. She realized that her presence, empathy and courage were more important than being ‘prepared’. Marion had indeed just revived her confidence for the meeting ahead by reviewing and celebrating her successful day.

What will you do to celebrate your wins and boost your confidence? How can you make it a daily or weekly habit?

Choose your daily confidence booster

Creating a career and a life you love takes courage, otherwise everyone would be living this way. While you are on your career clarity journey and even when you have arrived, doing the work that energizes and inspires you, give yourself the gift of confidence boosters on a daily basis.

  1. Take a moment to choose one confidence booster that you would like to incorporate into your daily life.
  2. Decide when you are going to do your daily confidence booster and what other activity you will combine it with. Make it part of something you do every day, such as brushing your teeth, getting dressed, making breakfast, having a shower, or commuting.
  3. As your confidence booster becomes part of your daily routine, it will become second nature to you.

Now that you are committed to daily confidence boosters, take another powerful step towards the career that energizes and inspires you and request your free career clarity consultation.

Julia James is a certified life coach and award-winning author of the book, The Mini-Retreat Solution. With over ten years experience coaching people through positive career transformations, Julia is passionate about helping people connect with their true calling.

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